Acrylic Painted Items and Gourd Art
email: [email protected]
phone: 602-316-7868
I was born in Hawaii in 1951 and Hawaii gave birth to my love for the ocean, the outdoors, family, friends, community, diversity, flowers, and art. I experienced the island’s beauty and grew up with freedom to express myself. Art to me was 3-D. I would find driftwood, beach glass, shells and create art with my beach finds. Mother Nature provided colors of the islands, and I always found myself admiring color combinations (often before I noticed the object presented). I enjoy natural surfaces (gourds, oyster shells) in my art or to embellish or inspire color combinations.
My father passed in an automobile accident when I was 11. After his death, my mother moved us (herself and 6 children) to Tacoma where her family lived. A single mom, raising 6 kids in the 1960’s meant we learned to appreciate everything and waste nothing. That lesson has carried into my art. I love creating art from items that might otherwise be unappreciated or even discarded (silver tea service, tin, wooden furniture).
I married at age 18 and have 2 beautiful and talented daughters and 3 equally wonderful grandchildren. My husband and I put each other through college. We were both practical, so our education was focused on gainful employment. While my career was left brain (Accountant-analytical and orderly), my spirit was right brain (artist – creative and imaginative). I loved my roles as wife, mother, friend volunteer Girl Scout Leader, and even the business world. Yet, I was always looking to be creative. I sought ways to express myself with cake decorating, ceramics, cooking, pottery and painting. I took every class I was able to squeeze into my busy schedule.
We retired 10 years ago and moved back to Washington (Onalaska) after 34 years in Arizona. Our plan was to travel and grow artistically (my husband was a talented wood worker). He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and his mobility was impacted and I became a caregiver. Sadly, he passed away in 2021. I am in my new role of being a widow and establishing a new life in Sequim.
Art has always made me feel alive, and I found time to create whenever life permitted. I enjoy learning to use many mediums and try to incorporate variety into my pieces today. Initially I created gifts for family, décor for myself, and I often donated my creations to fundraisers and silent auctions. I have entered and won ribbons at fairs and festivals and participated as a vendor at upscale bazaars. My roots are in Decorative Painting and I have enjoyed that for 30+ years. I have served as treasurer for various Decorative Artists clubs and am currently treasurer of Portland Raindrop Decorative Painters. I discovered gourd art over 15 years ago and started out painting gourds, and soon branched out to carving and wood burning.
I find joy in and am inspired by being part of an artist community. I am excited to be a member of the Blue Whole Gallery and already love Sequim.